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ImmigrationProf Blog

Monday, July 23, 2007

Free for all on immigration

In the absence of the federal government to enact any meaningful immigrtion legislation, communities across the US have begun to push for anti immigration legislation, it seems the immigration is a good issue for every small time politician to whip up frenzy and engage in political theater of the worst kind.

"The retail spots ... for every two that went vacant, one would be filled by a Spanish-speaking business, then, you ... saw what was once a really, really, really nice neighborhood start to decline," O'Hare said in an interview with The Associated Press at the ornately decorated two-story home he shares with his two dogs.

O'Hare, a first-term city councilman and personal injury lawyer, believes those issues could be resolved if illegal immigrants left Farmers Branch.

Last summer, O'Hare began pushing the city to enact one of the most sweeping anti-illegal immigration measures anywhere in the U.S.

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